This is a clever way to use less of your sales page real estate to show as many testimonials as...
"Over 465,000 people are using Wealthfront to earn more and worry less." This one liner hit on many levels: Social...
Athletic Greens created an entire page dedicated to highlighting endorsements by professional athletes and health experts. If still not convinced,...
In the world of so many fake testimonials, using real screenshots from twitter adds another layer of trust in the...
Omaze is a fundraising platform where charities raffle off amazing prizes. The winner of each contest has a dedicated part...
This brand shows photos of customers + how much money they have saved using Raise. Real faces and earnings speak...
I like the use of charts and the story they tell but they lack a source for each case study....
The headline perfectly explains the mission of the website: "Turn gift cards into discounts" Above the fold the user has...
Social proof is shown in the form of these nicely presented stats: 500K users/investors, 20k+ 5 star reviews in app...
This sneaker brand highlights the entire team wearing their favorite sneakers. This is a great way to let there potential...
This Email newsletter home page displays a long list of of popular journalist who subscribe along with a blurb. These...
This testimonial page is incredible. It focuses on a before and after view of how companies manage projects with Basecamp....
In 1963 the being skinny was out. This 1963 print ad uses a actress Eva Six to sell their weight...
This is a simple and effective way to show that the target market for Trends (founders) love the product. Image...
An easy way to show social proof for a product is to link the product to a more famous name...
I ate lunch in this restaurant today and their "drawing testimonials" hit me with a marketing insight. How can you...
Many sites proudly display "As Seen On" and "Recommended By" logo sections on their homepage. Evernote takes it to the...
Zoom is crushing it with testimonials and case studies. At the top, you have a nifty filter to find testimonials...
Ezoics testimonials are extra juicy because they each start with a results-oriented headline. The specific numbers and time frames make...