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Cool piece of advice about handling negativity

Dec 6, 2022
This is a great example of how to handle random negativity, and it uses the amount $86,400 dollars to relate to how many seconds are in each day.

Image Description

The image shows a motivational poster from an Instagram post by mindset.therapy. It uses a financial analogy, comparing $86,400 to the seconds in a day, to emphasize not letting a small negative event ruin the entire day.

Positive Aspects

The image cleverly uses a relatable financial analogy to convey its message. It simplifies a complex emotional concept—handling negativity—into a straightforward decision about money, making the advice both impactful and easy to remember. This approach enhances the post by providing a visual and conceptual anchor for the reader.

Key Takeaways

  • Every day has 86,400 seconds, akin to having $86,400.
  • Don't let a small negative event (like losing $10) ruin the rest of your day.
  • Focus on the bigger picture and move on from minor setbacks.
  • Life is too significant to be affected by trivial negativity.

Additional Insights

Imagine if we treated our time with the same care as our money. Next time someone throws negativity your way, think of it as a $10 loss. Would you throw away the rest of your $86,390 over it? Probably not! Keep this analogy in your back pocket for those inevitable frustrating moments.

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Cool piece of advice about handling negativity | SwipeFile