Welllll maybe eating Jello all day won’t make you lose much weight, but in 1952 this was promoted as a great tasting yet lower-in-calorie dessert. Not sure why he’s weighing himself with loafers on…that’s like 1 extra pound on the scale 😬
Stratechery "Aggregation Theory" Images
Here's a cool image from 2015 the Stratechery made to demonstrate a relatively complex concept called "Aggregation Theory." The image takes a complex theory...
May 30, 2020
Before and After
Worst BBQ In Texas
This catchy sign from Rudy's BBQ in Austin, TX. claims it's the WORST BBQ IN TEXAS! This definitely gives people some pause :)
Feb 3, 2021
Outdoor Advertising
Restaurant Signs
R180 Smart Cooker Toaster Print Ad
This print ad uses a bunch of swatches of toast starting from light to burnt with the settings used on R180 Smart Cooker Toaster....
Sep 24, 2023
Print Ads
Clever Stihl Leafblower Ad
This is a delightfully clever print ad that takes a boring article and spices it up by showing the letters “blown away” by a...
Nov 28, 2022
Print Ads