Awesome homepage headline and matching visuals for audio/video editor
The opening headline insinuates if you know how to use a google doc, you can easily edit video and audio...
Great headline and limited options for marketplace user
The headline perfectly explains the mission of the website: "Turn gift cards into discounts" Above the fold the user has...
Old School car ad uses scarcity to sell
It's simple but effective: A shot of the product & a headline that says they are selling fast.
social proof sub headline on home page
"More than 2 million canadians trust us" is a powerful statement that signals that they must be doing a good...
Simple homepage headline for cash back app
Sometimes all you need is a strong one liner. This headline does the job and includes the magic word: "Free".
Pop up with a exclusive offer to urge sign up
This shoe store offers newsletter subscribers exclusive access to private sales. Exclusivity is a powerful motivator to convert a prospect.
Great "Product Explainer" Homepage from
This is a very well done homepage from that shows off how their smart electrical panel works. I also...
Funny but effective direct headline
The details. Its funny but paints a picture you do not want to be a part of. You can help...
"Member Missions" for Community Building
This cool concept from Membership Academy gives it's members a "mission" to complete. This is the email used to promote...
Great newsletter homepage
What's good Above the fold: A clear value statement. "The 3-minute newsletter with fresh takes on the industry news you...
Good show but no tell. This Ad needs a headline.
Instagram allows marketers to expand upon the ad in the description below. Most users miss the “fine print” due to...
Powerful image & quote matchup that sparks curiosity
Finding the perfect quote to pair with the perfect image is a skill set within itself. I belief if this...
Great above the fold copy for mobile landing page
All critical information about the service is simply replayed above the fold: What you get, how you get it, when...
Homepage page giving great expectations
I love the simple statements of what you should expect from the hustle. “daily news straight to your inbox” =...
Oura Ring Instagram Story
This is a clean and clear ad for an Oura Ring. I love the headline and the image on this.
1971 American Airlines “Coach Lounge” Ad
This is a grabbing photo of a lounge available to even coach passengers on international flights. It also has a...
"They're not cheap" Atoms shoe ad.
Sometimes customers don't know how much work goes into a quality product. Atoms breaks down why they priced their shoes...
"Meet Skimpy Wiring" Ad
This was a magazine ad showing the dangers of skimpy wiring and it's potential to catch fire, by showing a...
Tasty looking Big Mac ad from 1979
This is a tasty looking Big Mac ad from 1979 that has a very funny headline. Both the image AND...
Bite Toothpaste Bits Homepage
This hero section has a lot of great things going for it: Novelty in headline creates curiosity Subheadline shows exactly...