Great headline for Atari ad
“Don’t watch TV tonight. Play it!” This was a great headline in 1978 when “Playing the TV” was a totally...
Awesome “Yuppie Handbook” book cover from 1984
I love this great callout-image using a picture and text and arrows! Image Description The cover of "The Yuppie Handbook"...
Great 1956 Headline for Crest Toothpaste
I thought this headline was great: WORLD’S GREATEST WEAPON AGAINST TOOTH DECAY Image Description The image is a vintage advertisement...
Handwritten door flyer
This door flyer appears to be handwritten, so it kind of catches your attention, and then goes into why replacing...
1962 “Pet Monday” ad
In print advertising you had to cram a lot of information into a small space. This 1962 ad hits all...
Grabbing headline Pop-Tart Ad
This headline really creates quite a bit of curiosity with the giant headline “Oops! We goofed” I didn’t WANT to...
McDonald’s Salad Ad from 1987
This is a great simple ad showing off McDonald’s new salads (this was the 1980’s). I wonder if the “toss...
Rouge grammar vigilante simplifies a sign
Someone made this sign easier to read by removing harder words than necessary. This sign should just say “We do...
Awesome 1980 Boom Box print ad
I love the simplicity and grabbiness of this ad, and how it focuses on one major feature of this stereo:...
Opossum one pager flyer
This one-pager shows people that opossum’s don’t mean humans any harm, and are helpful for their local environment. This flyer...
1956 Tubeless Tire Magazine Ad
I like this ad because the headline copy and image work together to show the part of your car that...
Giving six reasons to own…
Since the car is pretty hideous, this ad for an AMC Gremlin appeals to it’s more practical qualities! Image Description...
“Ten Reasons NOT To Buy” reverse psychology Volkswagen ad
This is a fun way to grab some attention, but saying why NOT to buy the car, but then listing...
Attention grabbing “mirror” headline
This headline grabs attention by being unusual looking, as if you’re reading from a mirror. Things that are novel can...
Heart-tugging Gillette shaving ad
This ad pulls a few heartstrings saying “I didn’t get the job” from a man who hasn’t shaved. Image Description...
AMC Gremlin Ad from 1978 with “6 serious reasons to own”
In addition to showing the product right off the bat, this add uses logical reasons on why to buy a...
Ford Escort “Social Proof” Ad
In 1985 the Ford Escort was one of the best selling cars in the world, so this ad listed out...
Product describes how it can dye your clothes a different color
This 1968 ad for Rit Liquid Dye uses a great headline and image to grab your attention, then describes how...
Velcro Ad Showing Results/Benefits of Product
This whole ad demonstrates how to replace snaps, hooks, and buttonholes with simple Velcro fasteners. It even shows a closeup...
McDonalds promotion using the “Desire to Collect” trigger
This McDonalds ad from 1975 uses one of Joe Sugarman’s Triggers called “Desire To Collect.” The desire to collect is...