Jack Altman's Compound Startup Thought.
Josh Harcus testimonial Copywriting Course
Austin Rief on platforms and creators
Anthony Pompliano's advice about building something of value
Balaji on the founding influencer model
Ross Simmonds creating business from a Subreddit
Image Description A tweet by Ross Simmonds highlights the potential for creating a thriving business from a subreddit with over...
Yearly business improvement plan
If you want to make a business better, here's an image that shows a rough plan of how to start...
Get To The Point
Sometimes when writing an article people tell a long and winding story in order to seem clever. Sometimes it's just...
"The test of all communication is: "Does it sell the product?" Just don't do it at the cost of good morals, good manners, and good taste."— Earl Nightingale
Happiness Chemicals Image Chart
This is a cool actionable chart people can use to figure out which activities will cause a happiness chemical to...
The "DIY" Lens
Image Description The image features the title "The DIY Lens" with instructions on using a product to teach rather than...
Lao Tzu Quote
"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future....
Try using a single call to action for emails
Be careful of sending emails with multiple CTAs. They dilute your conversions. Once a reader clicks one link, they’re unlikely...
Write 3 versions of a cold email
We see people WAY overthink their cold email style + format. One trick we have people do inside our forum...
Avoid cold emails with really bad introductions
Avoid awkward cold emails with really bad introductions. Why it’s bad: They turn the reader off immediately. They make the...
Make more "personal" posts about a topic
New writers shouldn't try to copy content from major blogs. It usually ends up being shallow and not very useful....
Avoid confusing "buzzwords" in your copy
Try not to use too many “Buzzwords” and confuse the message. Buzzwords are vague and confusing. Buzzwords don’t tell the...
Don't add too many CTA's
Common mistake we see with sales emails: WAY too many calls to action! Far better to drive for ONE action...
Sugarman Trigger #24
Image Description The image shows a stick figure with a cheerful expression standing on the edge of a cliff, overlooking...
Sugarman Trigger #23
Image Description The image features a simple, cartoon-style illustration with a smiling face looking at an envelope surrounded by red...