Social proof in this old school Goodyear headline
“You’ll see why they’re on so many 1970 cars” What a powerful statement. I wonder if it primed the reader...
Old School car ad uses scarcity to sell
It's simple but effective: A shot of the product & a headline that says they are selling fast.
Old Chevy ad that could be a modern online sales page
Great graphics that highlight the many features of the car.
Old School camera print ad visually shows value
The main selling point of this pentax camera is the small size. The photography makes it very clear. The copy...
social proof sub headline on home page
"More than 2 million canadians trust us" is a powerful statement that signals that they must be doing a good...
Social proof + testimonials double team for finance app
Social proof is shown in the form of these nicely presented stats: 500K users/investors, 20k+ 5 star reviews in app...
Pop up sells with exclusive hard to resist offer
The normal bland free trial offer is cleverly reworded to "Get 30 days free" On top of that the brand...
Good copy on GQ pop up
"Never miss a good sale" I love this head line. This can cause some FOMO with deal hunters. Other great...
Beautifully designed home page for investing app
This beautifully designed homepage includes everything needed to make the sale. Above the fold offers a great mockup of the...
How to jump a car simple image
This simple graphic teaches someone how to jump a car in the space of a small square!
Interesting pricing model on sperm testing/freezing company
This pricing page for a sperm testing and freezing company breaks down their pricing into 3 categories: For Today For...
Simple homepage headline for cash back app
Sometimes all you need is a strong one liner. This headline does the job and includes the magic word: "Free".
Homepage with images that describe & sell
This app automatically applies promo codes when online shopping. The site features images of super popular consumer products with a...
About page for cashback app that sells
Like any good “about” page, they mention a few words about the company. The brand doesn't waste an opportunity to...
Music festival tier pricing
Using a simple strike out of the missed early bird tiers, this brand creates a sense of urgency for the...
Built in scarcity pricing structure
The customer is given two options: (really one. If you want this service now) Join now and pay for the...
Coming soon page for music festival shows fans what to expect next year
This music fest does a good job of selling next year's show by showing the big name lineup from last...
13-step Twitter growth playbook
[gallery columns="1" size="full" ids="4647,4645,4644,4643,4642,4641,4640,4639,4638,4637,4636,4635,4634,4633"] Image Description A tweet by Alex Lieberman (@businessbarista) announcing he has reached 200,000 followers and introducing...
Mars Bar "Ingredients" Ad from 1957
This Mars bar advertisement does a great job of showcasing the 3 main flavors of a Mars Bar: • Milk...
Daily Dad Instagram Stories Promoting Email Signup
These are Instagram Stories telling people to signup to Daily Dad emails. It's a simple pitch explaining why someone would...