By simply using colors on a map you can easily spot where the dog and cat owners are!
It's interesting how this really looks like a real magazine cover because of the good photography and clean layout.
This catchy sign from Rudy's BBQ in Austin, TX. claims it's the WORST BBQ IN TEXAS! This definitely gives people...
This ad creates a bit of curiosity with it's clever headline and image.
This is a really nice looking email newsletter signup page which has plenty of social proof and conveys it's usefulness.
This is a nice and clean 3-tiered pricing structure, with a neat little email signup under their free plan.
This is a great looking email newsletter that goes out to many thousands of restaurants and restaurant industry investors.
Paul Yacoubian is the founder and CEO of which rocketed to popularity as one of the very first platforms...
This is a great clean looking homepage for a SaaS testimonials company that clearly shows what the product can do....
This is a cool before/after image that shows how much better a video testimonial is than a text testimonial.
Gagan Biyani is a founder of Udemy, a $3billion platform that lets people sell courses online. Now he’s building a...
Mailshake's pricing page has everything you need to feel confident starting a subscription. They include a 30-day guarantee, testimonials, and...
Great marketing in this 1970's ad that shows Palmolive dish soap can also be used to soften your hands.
This is a great home page from top to bottom. It's got a strong value prop and hero section, great...
Look at the difference in efficiency a scrollable sidebar menu made to the interface: Before: Had to scroll 6...
This is a great 2-tiered pricing for a cohort of students that conveys a ton of information in a single...
Sujan is owner of MailShake, RightInbox, Pick, Voila Norbert, WebProfits Agency. You have a wife, 3 kids, run 5+ companies,...
Nike did an awesome ad by using callouts to point out the features and benefits of this shoe.
Over the years not only changed its style but also changed its name to Both landing pages are...
Sometimes customers don't know how much work goes into a quality product. Atoms breaks down why they priced their shoes...