Category: Data

Data doesn’t have to be presented in dull charts and graphs. These Swipes take data and present it in a fun way!

Caffeine Spectrum Data

Easily visualize the caffeine content you’re getting from different drinks with this cool graphic.

This is generalized data, actual content can greatly vary.…

The 4% Rule

“The 4% Rule is a “back-of-the-envelope” calculation for how much money you’d need to retire for approximately 25 years.

While people can poke holes in generalized rules like this, it’s …

wework wecrashed timeline

While I understand over zealous management killed off WeWork, I am a bit saddened by this because I had WeWork offices all over the place and loved them.

Of alllll …

The Pareto Principle in action

The Pareto Principle states 20% of activity will account for 80 percent of results.

You can see it demonstrated here on certain consumer products.

Things like detergent, chocolate, and toilet …

Internet Users Over Time

In 2003 (20 years ago) around 700 million people were on the internet. Now it’s nearly the entire planet. 

Many people in 2003 felt they missed their “big shot” after


Luxury Bag Pyramid

This is like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Luxury Bags. It’s broken down by:
– The Supremes
– The Legacies
– The Classics
– The Contemporaries
– The Accessible

A cool marketing …
