60,000 more design agencies listed in last 4 years
Wow…since 2019 there are 60,000 more design agencies listed on Clutch 🤯 Likely caused by: - More solopreneurs entering the...
US Mountain Data Map
I never realized what a monopoly on mountains the West had till I saw this color coded topographical map! Almost...
Build lots of things, only one needs to hit
Guy builds 20+ tools over 4 years before finding one that’s starting to work. Lesson #1: Try lots of stuff....
One image, the bartending skill encapsulated.
This incredibly detailed image instruction set gives the full instructions on how to make ~40 drinks. It’s kind of cool...
It’s not a “pivot” if you don’t lose a bunch of customers.
Noah Kagan's Yearly Goal Chart
This is a cool Yearly Goal Chart @noahkagan makes every year, divided into 4 parts: - Work - Health -...
Caffeine Spectrum Data
Easily visualize the caffeine content you’re getting from different drinks with this cool graphic. This is generalized data, actual content...
The “Normal Distribution” shows up in almost every area of life.
The “Normal Distribution” shows up in almost every area of life: • Test scores • Height • Stock market returns...
The world’s top Podcasts in 2023
The world’s top podcasts. Interesting that each one is from a specific individual.
The 4% Rule
“The 4% Rule is a “back-of-the-envelope” calculation for how much money you’d need to retire for approximately 25 years. While...
wework wecrashed timeline
While I understand over zealous management killed off WeWork, I am a bit saddened by this because I had WeWork...
How cash in bank affects lifestyle
Great chart by @asmartbear that shows how cash in the bank affects your lifestyle. $1,000 = “I can’t lose my...
The Pareto Principle in action
The Pareto Principle states 20% of activity will account for 80 percent of results. You can see it demonstrated here...
Show, Don’t Tell. But with Sugar.
This is the simplest and most effective demonstration of sugar content I’ve ever seen. Seeing a Coca-Cola label say “39g...
Internet Users Over Time
In 2003 (20 years ago) around 700 million people were on the internet. Now it’s nearly the entire planet. Many...
Boring industry Excel before/after
A super simple before & after photos showing with the Datarails product you can go from complicated spreadsheets to a...
Rubiks Cube Formula
Apparently you can solve any Rubiks cube by repeating these 4 moves 11 times.
Where the ultra-rich spend their holidays
Cool visualization of where the ultra-rich spend their holidays: #1.) Miami #2.) The Hamptons #3.) West Palm Beach #4.) Paris...
Copywriting industry size by keyword
In terms of size: Copywriting → Content Marketing → Digital Marketing → Make Money → Sales
Neural network structures chart
These simple structures are what powers all the AI and Machine Learning we use in our everyday lives. Cool side...