Homepage Headline that changes text
This is a very clever headline set up. They basically converted what would be a set of bullet points or...
Homepage CTA is a "Yes or No" question
This homepage simply shows the product mockup and uses a clever "yes or no" CTA When you click "No" it...
The Day My Kid Went PUNK
This is an awesome advertisement for a movie in 1987 where a kid becomes a "punk rocker" and the parents...
Request demo page loaded with social proof + testimonial
This request a call page displays a testimonial box with the face of the ceo of ClickUp + the bottom...
Saas company has an entire page of case studies to use as testimonials + social proof
This a well organized page of big tech name clients sharing their success stories. I like that some boxes show...
1976 "Dynamite Stereo" Ad
This was a magazine ad for a "dynamite" stereo speaker player that played 8-track music cartridges. Image Description A vintage...
70 content ideas for social media from SocialMediaToday
Here are 70 great ideas to post on social media. Image Description The image is a visually appealing list titled...
Gary Halbert Coat of Arms Letter Real Product Picture
A Twitter user @eston_esau found his grandpa's Coat of Arms Letter hung on a wall! Here was the customized "Rogers"...
1973 Brylcreem Hair Length Ad
This ad from Brylcreem hair sprays and hair gels showed what the "in" hairstyles of the early 1970's were. Image...
Clear & simple headline sets proper expectations for Email newsletter
Good newsletter homepages always give clear expectations: What type of content to expect: "free personal finance tips" When you will...
Vintage IBM ad asks and answers questions
This copy writer used questions to pitch the product. These are more than likely the same questions a shopper would...
Vintage car ad speaks directly to young men
This ad is a testament to the cpy writer knowing exactly who he is marketing to. Good research makes great...
newsletter sponsor marketplace displays social proof with client list
The copy flows well with the animated scrolling list of popular newsletters and there subscriber list. I also like the...
Homepage for music industry link page
This brand does a good job showing a demo of product above the fold. Below the fold, social proof is...
Interactive pricing calculator for cyber security company
I can imagine this is a hard service to price in a simplified way but these guys figured it out....
Toaster Heat Setting Visual Chart
This is a cool chart sent along with a toaster that visually shows the different heat settings. The numbers 1,...
Kamen Rider Movie Poster
Not sure why, but this movie poster for Kamen Rider just looks....awesome! Image Description The poster for the Kamen Rider...
Chat pop up on SaaS company offers promo code
Great timing! When on the pricing page a chat box pops up with a percentage off promo code to urge...
Simple banner ad with strong offer CTA
This banner ad gets straight to the point with a strong offer. It also displays a series of templates they...
Vintage Range Rover ad shows how they are different
This image is very strong. It shows the Range Rover doing something 90% of the cars on the market at...