Aweber Facebook Group Community Signup Email
Here is a good email from Aweber that tells it's users they have a new Facebook Group. It also sets...
F.A.Q. Style Email For Selling Course
This is a great F.A.Q. style email from Hiten Shah with commonly asked questions (and answers) from users. Subject: Your...
Asking for phone number email
This was an email sent by that requested a phone number reply from people who didn't buy. Subject: phone...
Full blog post email from KopywritingKourse
Instead of pushing people via to a blog via email, this email just contains the full blog post, allowing a...
CodeMentor's simple blog notification email
This is a very simple yet clickable blog post notification email. It's format is: [INTERESTING STAT] [DESCRIBE THE POST] [CLICKABLE...
Matthew Barby's SEO course email announcement
Here's a simple yet effective email Matthew Barby sent out about his SEO traffic group. Subject: Traffic Think Tank registration...
HubSpot re-engagement email
HubSpots re-sub campaign to make sure people engage and click (and therefore better deliverability)! Subject: This is goodbye. Here's why...
Hustlecon Event Marketing Email
This is a great email justifying the price of HustleCon to an audience by showing a bunch of things that...
House Of Rave Email
(Email Subject Line): Hey…I screwed up. You know how sometimes you screw up and just say D’OH? This is one...
AppSumo Prey Email
I walked in my apartment ... and my iMac was gone I should've used Prey ... I walked into my...