When you enroll in a course with Udemy, they send you a simple email like this designed to get you...
Tony Robbins SEO team sends out emails like this anytime someone mentions Tony Robbins on their website but doesn't link...
This is an email that attempts to get people to respond to Ramit's email by asking a question surely A...
This short style of email is typically how Neil Patel will send out blog notifications to his email list. Extremely...
Here is a good email from Aweber that tells it's users they have a new Facebook Group. It also sets...
This is a great F.A.Q. style email from Hiten Shah with commonly asked questions (and answers) from users. Subject: Your...
This was an email sent by KopywritingKourse.com that requested a phone number reply from people who didn't buy. Subject: phone...
Instead of pushing people via to a blog via email, this email just contains the full blog post, allowing a...
This is a very simple yet clickable blog post notification email. It's format is: [INTERESTING STAT] [DESCRIBE THE POST] [CLICKABLE...
Here's a simple yet effective email Matthew Barby sent out about his SEO traffic group. Subject: Traffic Think Tank registration...
HubSpots re-sub campaign to make sure people engage and click (and therefore better deliverability)! Subject: This is goodbye. Here's why...
This is a great email justifying the price of HustleCon to an audience by showing a bunch of things that...
(Email Subject Line): Hey…I screwed up. You know how sometimes you screw up and just say D’OH? This is one...
I walked in my apartment ... and my iMac was gone I should've used Prey ... I walked into my...