Feature, Benefit, Experience.
Can you simply describe your own product/service with this framework? Example 1: Feature: Sun cream. Benefit: No sun burn. Experience:...
Emails and weekly newsletters
81% of people say that email is their primary form of communication at work because it’s: • Time-stamped • Reliable...
U.S. Department of Education Crowd-source Idea
Here's an idea for the U.S. Department of Education: Crowd-source short form videos for every subject & every grade K...
ATIDFA Copywriting Formula
This is a copywriting formula that means: Attention Transformation Interest Desire FAQ Action Image Description The image is a Twitter...
7-Steps of a Compelling Story
This is a neat infographic that sums up how to create a compelling story Image Description The infographic titled "7-step...
Avoid “Toxic Positivity” Do & Don’t Chart
This very simple graphic from Instagram shows how not to participate in “toxic positivity” by giving you concrete phrases to...
Pet to Human Years Calculator
Everyone’s heard, “Take your dogs age and multiply by 7 to get it’s human age.” However the story is a...
Age Appropriate Chores List
This cool guide of chores shows common chores for different ages of children. Image Description The image is a chart...
Physical writing proofreading markup symbols
This form of proofreading is fading due to the proliferation of digital writing, but this is the markup language writers...
They don't want software, they want to accomplish a goal
Great reminder that people don't necessarily want the product or software itself, but rather the result it brings. Image Description...
Good friends bring up hard conversations
Good friends bring up hard conversations, even if it's unpleasant. If you see a bad habit a close friend is...
Comfort Zone Circles
This cool circle chart shows the different areas of your Comfort Zone. Image Description The image is a circle chart...
H.A.L.T. Acronym
I've always liked this acronym H.A.L.T. which means.... If you're not in a good mood, you're either: • Hungry •...
Dog Groomer Price Justification Chart
Every consultant or freelancer has had to justify their cost at times. This dog groomer was sick of people snarky...
Characteristics of Pseudoscience Chart
This is a great little chart that outlines what might be "pseudoscience" and how to spot it. Image Description The...
Not everything is a priority
This is a cool graphic showing that you might have a million things on your to-do list, but only a...
Words to use instead of "very"
This is a cool list of words to use instead of "very" to spice up your copy. Image Description A...
The Learning Pit
What learning something often feels like. Image Description The image is a hand-drawn diagram titled "The Learning Pit." It illustrates...
Make ads like Ogilvy - Cheat Sheet
Here is a cheat sheet on how to make your ads in the style of the Ad legend: David Ogilvy....
Writing feature & benefits formula
Good repeatable formula for an important element of sales copy. Image Description The image presents a formula for writing "features...