Image Description The image contrasts two different webpage layouts for "My Product." On the left, a cluttered page filled with...
70% Content, 30% Sales Formula
When writing content that educates as well as sells, trying making it about 70% content, and 30% sales. Image Description...
Personality Defense Quote
Everyone's personality is a sum of defense mechanisms they have adopted to survive any situation. Image Description The image shows...
Circle of Influence Concept
The "Circle Of Influence" concept helps figure out what to focus on. Circle of Control: Things you can fully control....
How can I solve this hilariously?
Sometimes having a little fun with the solution can be a good way forward. Image Description The image humorously contrasts...
Thank the problem
Instead of hating that you have a problem, sometimes figuring out a way to look on the brighter side of...
Flowchart or graph the problem out
Figure out what's really going on by graphing it out. Image Description The image is a flowchart illustrating how to...
Write things down on a card
It's not an Earth-shattering suggestion, but simply writing down a goal or phrase on a card and carrying it with...
"What Would _____ Do?"
Ask yourself what a person you admire would do in this situation. Image Description The image is a colorful infographic...
The Totem Pole of Focus
Figure out what you really should be focusing on using this method. Image Description The image illustrates a concept called...
Flip The Problem Around
If you've got a problem or question, try flipping it. Image Description The image is a graphic explaining the concept...
Why am I upset/sad/slow?
A way to figure out why you might be temporarily upset, sad, or slow. Image Description This infographic provides a...
Base Content Priority Chart
This is a chart that shows how "Base Content" should be the main thing you create, then focus on "Base...
Story Circle
This is what a "Story Circle" looks like when writing a script. This is a great way to run a...
Amazon Email Template Sizing And Text Guidelines
This is an email template used by Amazon that includes it's sizing guidelines and some written guidelines (which are an...
Blog Post Checklist
This is a great checklist that helps make a mediocre blog post great. Image Description The image presents a checklist...
The 22 Rules of Storytelling by Pixar
These are some rules of storytelling by the famous movie production company Pixar: #1: You admire a character for trying...
Ikigai Japanese formula for finding “reason for being” in life
Image Description The image is a Venn diagram illustrating the concept of Ikigai, a Japanese formula for finding one's "reason...
WhatsApp Design Principles
A product designer at WhatsApp listed these 5 rules WhatsApp sticks to when designing a product for over a billion...
"Give Me One Evening and I'll Give You a Push-Button Memory"
What a FANTASTIC line! Here's what makes it kick-ass: It implies an immediate benefit: A better memory. It's very specific...