70% Content, 30% Sales Formula
When writing content that educates as well as sells, trying making it about 70% content, and 30% sales. Image Description...
Cool equality image (with pirate joke)
This is a cool image that sends a message of equality, but also keeps it humorous by adding a pirate...
20 Passive Income Ideas Image
This is a cool Instagram image that shows 20 different passive income ideas in a nice little square. Image Description...
Take care of yourself first
Cool image showing that you should take care of yourself first in order to take care of others. Image Description...
Figma.com Home Page
Figma is a collaborative design tool that can be used to build prototypes, wireframes, storyboards, (and pretty much anything else)....
Fitbit Product Recommendation Quiz
Fitbit has 10 different products and many more accessories to choose from. In order to help the buyer find the...
Easy and Simple Comparison Chart
This is a cool way to display value by placing two competing cars next to each other with features and...
Do or do not. There is no try.— Yoda
Either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing.— Ben Franklin
Intercom's "versus" page
This sales page focuses entirely on why Intercom is a better choice than its main competitor, Zendesk. It's strong because:...
Success built on failures (Instagram cartoon)
@semi_rad (Brendan Leonard) publishes poignant cartoons on Instagram. This one points out that big successes are usually built from many...
Personality Defense Quote
Everyone's personality is a sum of defense mechanisms they have adopted to survive any situation. Image Description The image shows...
Circle of Influence Concept
The "Circle Of Influence" concept helps figure out what to focus on. Circle of Control: Things you can fully control....
Chief Community Sales Page
This is a pretty cool sales page with powerful messaging, and a strong call to action right at the beginning....
Restaurant Testimonial Drawings
I ate lunch in this restaurant today and their "drawing testimonials" hit me with a marketing insight. How can you...
How can I solve this hilariously?
Sometimes having a little fun with the solution can be a good way forward. Image Description The image humorously contrasts...
Thank the problem
Instead of hating that you have a problem, sometimes figuring out a way to look on the brighter side of...
Flowchart or graph the problem out
Figure out what's really going on by graphing it out. Image Description The image is a flowchart illustrating how to...
Write things down on a card
It's not an Earth-shattering suggestion, but simply writing down a goal or phrase on a card and carrying it with...
"What Would _____ Do?"
Ask yourself what a person you admire would do in this situation. Image Description The image is a colorful infographic...