Simpsons ratings data easily displayed

This is an AWESOME way to display lots of data in a small image.

…at the same time it’s disheartening to see the decline of a great show visualized like this.

There’s many cool YouTube videos talking about how The Simpsons fell into an un-watchable show (which you can see reflected in its modern IMDB ratings):

– All of original writers left.
– Instead of mocking pop culture they became it, and had tons of weird celebrity cameos they “forced in.”
– Storylines and jokes used to be layered and complex, then they became lazy and unfunny.


Q2 is near

Whatever your 2024 goal is, you have 9 more months to complete it

❌ Q1: January, February, March​
✅ Q2: April, May, June
✅ Q3: July, August, September
✅ Q4:

Total Addressable Market

When looking at market size it’s helpful to look at the realistic amount you can capture.

TAM: Total demand for a specific product/service in a market.

SAM: Portion of TAM