Basecamp Features and Benefits Image

This image by Basecamp used callouts to show how to use their application while highlighting the features and benefits. It is simple, clear, and written in a casual tone.

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Bike Visibility in Traffic

I love stuff where your brain just “gets it right away.” This chart shows the top colors to wear for max safety on a bike. You learn something valuable from …

The Learning Pyramid

Learning can take many forms, and some are better than others:

• Lecture: 5% (Average Retention Rate)
• Reading: 10%
• Audio/Visual: 20%
• Demonstration: 30%
• Group Discussion: 50%…


How couples meet graphic

WOW. Look how rapidly online dating became the primary way couples meet.

I meet people who don’t like using dating apps, but by the math of it, it’s almost FOOLISH …