Category: Money

Different swipes related to money.

Industries die and become niche

When an industry dies, it doesn’t just disappear into oblivion right away. It slowly shrinks, then shrivels, then consolidates, then becomes a small niche. Think:

  • Gas lanterns.
  • Vinyl records. 
  • Horse


There’s an amazing subreddit called /r/fatFIRE which is full of people trying to be F.I.R.E. (Financially Independent Retire Early)

“FAT”-FIRE means they want to retire, but in luxury style.

So …

Internet Users Over Time

In 2003 (20 years ago) around 700 million people were on the internet. Now it’s nearly the entire planet. 

Many people in 2003 felt they missed their “big shot” after

Financial images and charts

This graph shows allllll the different excuses to sell over the last 15 years. 

It explains a simple-yet-complex concept to hold very long term, and ignore short term fluctuations. This


Shoe profits bar chart

Wow…this graphic shows a surprising conclusion:

When Nike sells a $100 shoe, they make only $5 in profit.

Chat GPT:

Wow, the data presented in this graphic is truly eye-opening …
