Category: All

A good swipe file is not only one format or one genre. It spans across industries and mediums, so that inspiration can be taken from many places.

Exploring the Functions: How Do Online Casinos Work?

The world of online casinos is not just rapidly growing—it’s an ever-transforming ecosystem offering global players unparalleled convenience and a rich palette of gaming options. Insight into the operational mechanics …

1945 Old Gold “Irritated” Ad

This ad from 1945 is hilarious in this day and age, but the reason it’s SwipeFile-worthy is how well they depicted “irritation” of the man in the picture 😂


Above the fold copy with clear headline

I love complicated tech Saas companies with simple. The bold typeface headline catches your attention quickly and the sub explains what they do. The Producthunt badge gives instant social proof.…

Toaster Heat Setting Visual Chart

This is a cool chart sent along with a toaster that visually shows the different heat settings.

The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 don’t really mean much, but …


1953 Revere Ware Cooking Tools Ad

This is a simple and effective print ad showcasing the entire lineup of a cookware brand, and it gives an image and quick description of each product.…