Brand Names Foundation “Competition” Ad

This was an ad ran in Reader’s Digest in 1966 asking readers to “write in for a free booklet.”

“Writing in for a free booklet” was the “email signup” of the day before the internet.

You would write a physical letter ➡ Send it via Post Office ➡ They would send you the material and collect your name/address to put on their marketing list.

There was so much more work involved in creating a “customer list” back in the day!

Crappy Plunge Ad

I saw another “Our Designer Quit” ad out in the wild!

This variation is “Our Designer Is On Vacation” but it’s still the same hilarious concept.

This style makes people …


Speedy Wash Pricing

When you go through a car wash with different pricing options, does it ACTUALLY make a difference?

I’ll usually select “The Works” but I’m not sure it does anything different …