How interruptions affect productivity and flow

It seems harmless to pause our work for a second to answer a Slack message, check email, or take a quick phone call…

But in reality, it takes a LONG time to get back into full flow (an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds, according to one study)

This graph shows how interruptions interrupt the workflow of developers. And I’m sure it’s similar for copywriters and other creatives.

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Bike Visibility in Traffic

I love stuff where your brain just “gets it right away.” This chart shows the top colors to wear for max safety on a bike. You learn something valuable from …

The Learning Pyramid

Learning can take many forms, and some are better than others:

• Lecture: 5% (Average Retention Rate)
• Reading: 10%
• Audio/Visual: 20%
• Demonstration: 30%
• Group Discussion: 50%…
