“Month-Long Experiment” ideas for 2023

I’m currently thinking through my 2023 goals, and perhaps some “Month-Long Experiment” ideas for 2023 plus their desired results.
Here’s an example:

#1.) Observe Sabbath (no religious connotation): 
I would pick a day of the week to use little-to-no technology.

Hope to read more, disconnect just enough, regain long focused periods without distraction of fun technology.

#2.) Sober Month No drinking, no nothing, mayyybbbe caffeine. 

Result: Just make sure can still do it, no way to escape, reduced calories, potentially better sleep.

#3.) Calorie Restriction Month 
Set a strict calorie cutoff for each day.
2,100 calories for workout days
1,500 calories for non-workout days

At those numbers I guarantee go into a calorie deficit. Forces me to make good food choices, and high penalty for poor choices.

I’ve tried many of these before, and usually find some small action to get the desired result faster without doing a month of the same thing. Ideas I’m not 100% sure need a full month but seem interesting:

  • Everyday writing habit month
  • Wake up really early month
  • Morning/evening stretching month (maybe while I brush/floss)
  • Solve a trivial inconvenience each day
  • Track all of your time for a month
  • No added sugar month

I really liked this blog post documenting a bunch of similar experiments and their results.

Do you have any month-long experiments you’ll be doing in 2023??

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The Learning Pyramid

Learning can take many forms, and some are better than others:

• Lecture: 5% (Average Retention Rate)
• Reading: 10%
• Audio/Visual: 20%
• Demonstration: 30%
• Group Discussion: 50%…
