Category: Advice

These are Swipes that throw off some good advice or wisdom.

The Pareto Principle in action

The Pareto Principle states 20% of activity will account for 80 percent of results.

You can see it demonstrated here on certain consumer products.

Things like detergent, chocolate, and toilet …

Industries die and become niche

When an industry dies, it doesn’t just disappear into oblivion right away. It slowly shrinks, then shrivels, then consolidates, then becomes a small niche. Think:

  • Gas lanterns.
  • Vinyl records. 
  • Horse


There’s an amazing subreddit called /r/fatFIRE which is full of people trying to be F.I.R.E. (Financially Independent Retire Early)

“FAT”-FIRE means they want to retire, but in luxury style.

So …

ChatGPT voice feature

Wow…the ChatGPT voice feature is incredible.

In the shower I can say, “I’m preparing for a podcast interview, give me some tips.”

Or on a walk with AirPods I can …
