Have a better weekend with less screen time

Avoid mindlessly opening up social media or playing on your phone using Downtime on iPhone. It’s easy!

  1. Settings → Search “Downtime”
  2. Click Downtime
  3. Click “Turn On Downtime Until Tomorrow”

Within 5 minutes of clicking “Turn On Downtime” all your apps will be grayed-out.

Pro-Tip: Click “Always Allowed” in the Screentime menu, and you can select which apps never get tuned off.

I “Always Allow” maps, home security apps, food tracking and fitness apps etc. Stuff that I don’t mindlessly scroll on.

The Learning Pyramid

Learning can take many forms, and some are better than others:

• Lecture: 5% (Average Retention Rate)
• Reading: 10%
• Audio/Visual: 20%
• Demonstration: 30%
• Group Discussion: 50%…
