All posts by Lesley Amos

Organizing your day

Apparently this is how Benjamin Franklin used to organize his day 🤔

Almost all daily to-do list methods are similar. Like this “Ivy Lee Method” of productivity:

The beauty of …

Copywriting over the years

“Copywriting” is associated with writing words on a page, but my definition is:

“Installing an idea into someone’s head and getting them to take action.”

The medium could be: 
– …

The Circle Of Influence

“The Circle Of Influence” concept can be applied to your business:

• Circle of Control: You can completely control these.
• Circle of Influence: Can’t fully control, but can influence.…

Notes about billionaires

I had a candid conversation with a friend who is very close with 5+ multi-billionaires. Here’s some notes I wrote down from the conversation:

#1.) There’s always people around.

An …


Online entrepreneur path

A common path I’ve seen people take online:

Learn skills —> freelance for quick income —> sell small digital product for income —> make a business out of your skills …


Whole 30 Rules

I like these simple images that explain the “Whole 30” protocol in simple terms. 

I’m not a huge fan of complex diets because they seem hard to remember and unsustainable,