Category: Images

Good copywriting is about transmitting information from one brain to another brain, and sometimes IMAGES are better at doing that than copy!

Financial images and charts

This graph shows allllll the different excuses to sell over the last 15 years. 

It explains a simple-yet-complex concept to hold very long term, and ignore short term fluctuations. This

Shoe profits bar chart

Wow…this graphic shows a surprising conclusion:

When Nike sells a $100 shoe, they make only $5 in profit.

Chat GPT:

Wow, the data presented in this graphic is truly eye-opening …


“Learning Pyramid” chart

This is a cool chart that shows how much people remember from different mediums of learning. 

  • 5%: Lectures
  • 10%: Reading
  • 20%: Audio/Visual
  • 30%: A demonstration
  • 50%: Discussing in a group

Snickers Iced Coffee Can

I’m assuming there was a marketing meeting where they showed a chart of the best sellers in a gas station, then slapped this product together 😂

Chat GPT: 

It’s almost …